The tests are over and all that is left is 3 weeks of nothing. After weeks of stress and daily reviews, of late nights and early mornings it is all over and now summer can (almost) begin. I actually had a chance to kick it off today. For the first time in my life I sluffed a class. For those of you who don't know that particular bit of slang it is cutting class. How I got to senior year without ever having done this is beyond me but I must say it was quite fun. A couple of friends and I went out to the local diner and just ate shakes and had fun. It was something that I have never done before and am now sad that I haven't. It was talking and joking and not even thinking about things that had anything to do with school.
Is this camaraderie what college and growing up will be? If so I wish I had grown up sooner. I can't believe that I have let myself miss out on things like that. Well lesson learned just in time for summer. LET THE FUN COMMENCE!!!