Sunday, May 29, 2011

Almost There!

One more week and then all I have is my Jane Austen class!! I am so excited for all of my finals and such to be done. I only have two this week though I have my first 300 level college paper due and well as sad as this sounds I haven't written a 10 page paper in a really really long time (probably ever) and am not sure how I am supposed to do that on a 2.5 minute scene from a movie.

Thankfully we have Monday off for Memorial Day. All of the students I know are taking it as an academic day rather than a holiday. I think we could call it the summer equivalent of a Reading Day. Oh well, soon enough I will have Tuesdays and Thursdays to myself with only one class that starts at 3 in the afternoon. I can't wait for June to get here!!!

Classes are going smoothly for the most part though. Philosophy is confusing me as it is supposed to, Film Studies is making me hypersensitive to things like lighting and sound -it's getting annoying actually, but our professor said that it will wear off in time- and I absolutely LOVE my Austen class. Getting to come in and talk about Jane Austen and how brilliant of a writer she is for two hours is my idea of a perfect class. There is more to her than chick-flick plots gentlemen! She has a mastery over narrative style that I haven't seen in practically any other writer and is one of the wittiest people who ever lived.

I hope all is going well with you and that you have a happy Memorial Day weekend with your family and friends!!

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